I'm jumping on our trampoline and there it is, the inside of a kaleidoscope! The colors are so vibrant; greens, purples, reds, with tiny bits of clear white light shining through. Stunning! "What is this?" I hear myself wonder. "It's me", I hear a voice say, "and this is what my mom's cervix looks like from in here." I recognize this little boy from our connection the other day. His mama was lying on my couch. I had put my hands on her pregnant belly and he was eager to communicate. "Hmmm, what's up with the white light shining through?" After a brief pause he shows me his tiny finger slowly prying open his mama's cervix. I take a deep breath and say to him, "You know, it's much too early for you to be born. You are only 32 weeks and you need more time to grow."
When I work with the spirit babies, I see the expansiveness, I see the excitement they have in their life's purpose. Then they are born and so very often squished and molded into what parents think they need to be, should be, or want them to be. Their ability to think freely and passionately is slowly taken out of them. Parents often put their own unexpressed or unlived desires and passions on to their children, creating even more distance for the child from their own desires and passions. The children then, begin to second-guess their own knowing, their own passions and their own desires. This then makes it easier for the parents to continue to put what they feel the child needs on them and to say see, this is what they need, I know best.
What if you, starting today, take a step back and ask yourself, honestly, if you are putting your own desires and thoughts and passions on to your child. It is not a question of shaming, it is a matter of noticing. Baby steps. We say we want a world of freethinkers that can help change where we are at, so I then ask you, maybe even challenge you, to please let them be free. There is something I am guided to share, pushed to share, actually. In my work, I am a messenger. I am not an interpreter and in fact, it is none of business to interpret what the messages that come through for you mean. I feel, actually, that there can be a danger in me interpreting what I think a message means, a confusion that could happen. When I sit quietly and receive messages, it is because of your intention that I receive them. It is because of your desire and your connection with this soul that I receive messages. It is YOU that is welcoming these messages in and YOU that is initiating this communication. Therefore, I have absolutely no right to interpret the messages. They are a gift for you, messages for you to sit with, to let soak in, to nurture your soul. It is my utmost honor to be this messenger and my utmost commitment to you to never interpret them for you. I have seen others that offer interpretation and I have seen the unraveling that can happen and I choose to have no part in that. I am happy and honored to process with you after a session, to receive your thoughts on our session and to even ask you questions that may guide you into asking questions of yourself that will help to understand the messages received for you. But to interpret these messages for you would be disempowering and unkind. I am here to be of service to you, for the betterment of all.
The theme of the guidance from these souls lately seems to be releasing all of our stuff. When I've inquired how exactly we are to do this, the answer has been a resounding, "visualization". Visualize it leaving and so it will be. It reminds me of a time, a couple of years ago, when I was on a bike ride. I could feel fear swirling around inside of me....I visualized my kidneys having two little doors(kidneys are where we hold fear). I asked these doors to open and release the fear I was carrying. Not only did these doors open, but a black goo fear filled substance spewed out, trailing behind me and then disappearing. It was gone....all with the power of visualization. It is tempting to think that it's not that easy, but in some ways, it really is. If we can truly visualize, truly believe, and truly release, it is that easy. These souls are here, willing to hold space and offer guidance for us. To them, I am ever grateful.
Someday, I will have my book finished, someday. In the meantime, I am collecting stories, writing them down, speaking them in to my voice recorder, putting them in to my memory bank and hoping I will be able to retrieve them! I am ever impressed with these souls, these spirit babies, these articulate communicators. Some of them come rushing to me, full of energy and impatience, asking me to give messages to their parents, NOW. Others are much more patient, quietly waiting and guiding mama in to the necessary work she will do before this soul comes in. I am shown images of mama's womb, told of energies in mama's being, and reminded that these souls are coming in to help us all do our work. They are asking us to step up and look at ourselves and dive deep in to the work we must do to evolve. They are excited to come and join us in this work, to guide us in to a higher level of consciousness. Can you blame them for their impatience?! Some are learning boundaries, some are learning about unconditional love, while others seem so evolved that they are only coming to help us do our work. Some have been here before and some have not.
It is with never-ending awe that I receive messages from these souls. I hear them giggle, demand, sigh. They hear you and want you to remember that they are there. Speak to them and they are happy. Trust that they hear you and they are overjoyed. Much love. I want to share a personal story. When I was pregnant with our 2nd son, I wanted to do an unassisted/free birth. After talking with my husband, he shared that he didn't feel comfortable with that and would like a midwife present. So, we found a most wonderfully amazing midwife to be present at the birth. She never once stuck her fingers in me, prenatally or during labor. Her faith in birth, in me and in our knowing was unshakable. She never told me what to eat or how to labor. She didn't tell me I was supposed to weigh this much or I should be reading this or that. When I spent 2 hours lying on my back in labor(because I CHOSE that position), she never once told me to switch positions. It was in this position(on my back) that I was able to most connect in with my baby and myself and she could see this. What she did do was hold amazing space for me. She trusted me and guided me only when I asked for guidance. She never called herself a 'master' or claimed to know all of the answers. She was humble and after the birth of our son, she told me, that, after 26 years of attending births, she learned more from me and the birth of my son than any birth she had ever been to.
With the birth of our third son, we had a midwife with us who carried a lot of fear and who often tried to force feed information to women. Because she didn't completely trust herself and the birth process, she presented herself as more of an authority and a savior. While in labor, I could feel her fear and as the fear came, so did the commands to me, like, "switch positions", or "let's check your dilation to see where you're at", or "you either need to get up and walk or get in to the shower", etc. I started to feel panicked and fearful and finally, did go in to the shower with my husband. As soon as my husband and I were alone in the bathroom, I was given a beautiful song to sing from a 'grandmother' and as I showered, I sang and my husband massaged my back. All of the fear left me and I could feel our son coming down and within minutes, I gave birth to him. I share this story because the first experience of being supported is the type I wish for all of the women that are guided to work with me. I wish for you to feel loved, supported, held, honored and trusted. I have had the pleasure of receiving messages for some of you, giving them to you and witnessing THE MOST AMAZING healing that you do, that you CHOSE to do. We are powerful and knowing and when we are supported and the space is held for us to grow, LOOK OUT! I am so very honored to do this work and to hold space. I am also intensely grateful to those of you in my life who hold space for me and guide me when I ask for guidance. |
September 2024
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